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What is Spirituality

What is spirituality? I guess that is a realy loaded question. There are so many different definitions because there are so many people in the world.

I know my English writing skills are poor, so if my paragraph structure, sentence structure and spelling are not good, I ask you to please forgive me.

Personally, I think spirituality is what you make of it. If you believe in God then beleive. Do as your particular Bible says. Follow the good book and truly beleive. If you believe in many Gods such as Zeus, Prometheus, etcetera, then beleive in them. Do as they instruct you to do. If you are Buddist, then believe in Budism. Follow the teachings of Buddah. If you worship the Devil, then do so. If you are an athiest, then be an athiest. if you believe in you, then beleive in you. But please, do this with all of your heart and soul.

I find many people are looking for a "quick" answer to thier own spirituality, but there really is no "quick" answer. Spirituality is what you feel is right for you and your family. My husband, myself and all of our children have different spiritual beliefs. Why? Because personally we don't feel that we should limit anyone to a specific spiritual choice. Spiritual choice in my opinion is personal. That is why it is considered a CHOICE. Yes, we did things to point them in the direction of "good", but what they believe in the end is their choice.

I was born and raised in a catholic house hold where we went to church on Sundays and major holidays. I went to a catholic grade school, but now I have a great many different beleifs that reflect many of the world religions, but that don't necessarily reflect any exact teaching from any specific religion. This was becuase of an incident that happened at the church that I was attending. I choose not to get into this now as I don't feel it appropriate at this moment. For me, what I personally believe in, is a higher power. I guess, yes one that created all that we perceive as the universe. But on the other hand I believe in fairies. The creatures that look after the plants and animals. I believe that some if not all animals, bugs, life in general is controlled by some entity or diety that the Higher Power asked these others to help with. I also believe in many other "things" too. Lets face it, even God sent his only begotten Son to earth to spread his word. the same time Jesus is almost synonymous with God. Catholics pray to Jesus and God. If you read the Bible, it is stated that God is God and there is only one. You should only pray to God and if not, then you will be punished for worshiping a false god. Catholics also pray to the Virgin Mother Mary, Jesus' mother through the prayer of the Hail Mary and they have icons for her and Jesus. Are these then false gods? I also believe in many of the other teachings of other religions. What I find, is I go and take all of the "good" from these beliefs / religions and believe them. if you pray to certain gods in the Hindu religion you get fertility, or good crops, or wealth. There is truly so much that I believe I cannot put it into a blog, or even write a book about it (yet). Even writing this post, there was a server error. I thought I had lost everything. Oddly enough I said a prayer to the "Creator" asking for what I had written to still be available when the error was fixed. It was, so I contiue.

No matter what you believe in, then just believe it. Follow where it takes you spiritually. I don't know if there is a right or wrong for spiritual belief. Have you ever had a spiritual moment that has changed you to one religion or another. if yes, then follow it!!! You are doing the right thing. From my point of view, if you don't hurt, kill, harm, put down, (the list is endless for the "bad"), with your spiritual beliefs or force what you believe on others to converet them to your religion or beliefs, then believe in what ever you want.

I offer Spiritual Guidance on this site. What I believe doesn't matter to who I guide. My belief is that I guied YOU in what YOU believe in. Or, if you don't have a belief and many questions I can possibly help direct you to your own belief. Is what I believe correct or right? I really don't know, because I have never died and come back to life that I know of. The reason I believe in what I believe in is because I feel it right in my heart and soul. It makes sense to me. What I believe may or may not believe may or may not make sense to others, and that is good. Each of us is an individual and we may or may not have similar beliefs. What I offer YOU, is listening to YOU and pointing you in a direction that YOU feel good about. How YOU go about this will be YOUR own choice, NOT mine. What is "right" for me is NOT necessarily "right" for YOU. My obligation to YOU is for YOU to find what is "right" for YOU. I point YOU in the directions to find YOUR OWN true answers as they probably will not be the same as mine.

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